The Answer is in Your Skills
Does your toolkit match the needs of the job?
By Soozy G. Miller, CPRW, CDCC, CDP
Did you just receive another auto-generated generic rejection email for a job that you are absolutely certain you were right for?
Now you’re feeling hopeless and asking:
Instead of writing a hate letter to the recruiter, or screaming at the sky, or laying your weary head on your desk in despair…
Consider doing this:
Look carefully at the job requirements of the job you applied to.
Look at the first paragraph of the job description.
Look at the job title.
Then look at your resume.
Does your resume contain a Skills Section somewhere at the top, and does that Skills Section include one or more of the skills and tools named and required for that job?
Does your resume contain a summary paragraph somewhere at the top that addresses the needs of the company?
Does your resume have a title at the top, below your contact information? If it does have a title, did you put a title that you want or did you put the title of the job from the job posting?
If your resume doesn’t contain one or more specific skills that are listed as required in the job posting, then you might not come up in the company’s internal search. The company’s search software is binary; you’re either in or you’re out. FYI, Excel and Advanced Excel are not the same requirement. MS Suite and Microsoft Word do not get the same search results; just because you know all of the MS Suite tools doesn't mean that's what the company wants.
If this is your first time even looking at the job description because you used QuickApply or because you have been using one resume to blindly apply to all positions, then move on.
Every one of my clients who follow my guidance and take a few minutes to adjust the title, summary, and skills section on their resume land 1-6 interviews within two weeks. Those who don’t, don’t. And their frustration grows.
A few years back, my daughter, a teenager at the time, went from zero interviews and frustration to three interviews in one week followed by job offers when she simply added the title of the position to the top of her resume.
You probably were not going to land that job with a generic resume. When you use a generic resume to apply to all jobs you can expect a generic rejection letter from most jobs.
Better job. More pay. More control.
For a free resume review, please contact us at Control Your Career!